Edward J. Bentley

Edward J. Bentley (United Kingdom.) A versatile British actor and filmmaker with an extensive background in both theatre and film. With a family background in theatre, he spent a good chunk of his childhood backstage at the RSC and the National theatre. He made his stage debut in the West End’s Bomb-itty of Errors (2003), a hip-hop adaptation of Shakespeare’s Comedy of Errors.

In Barcelona, Edward has performed in acclaimed international productions like George Orwells 1984 and Dealing with Clair. Film and TV credits include roles in Band of Brothers, Vampire Academy, Borrego, Paradise Hills, and Casa de Papel. Edward also portrayed Ernest Hemingway in TV3’s Miró.

His passion for storytelling and independent cinema fuels his ongoing work, making him a significant figure in Barcelona’s creative community. Alongside his acting work, Edward serves as an acting coach and facilitator at Bigoli Studios.