Laura Farrés

Laura Farrés is an actress from Barcelona. She studied acting in different schools in Barcelona such as Eòlia, Institute of the Arts Barcelona or Nancy Tuñón. She moved to New York in 2018 to study acting at Lee Strasberg Theatre and Film Institute. After living there for two years, she moved back to Barcelona, where she continued training with actors and directors like Javier Daulte, Elena Martín, Pablo Messiez or Marc Ribera. The last projects she’s worked on are the short movies La Dama Blanca (by David Haro and Gerard Navalon) and Silencis que ploren (by Gener B. Lanzo), which will be released in 2025. She has a degree in Communication and Cultural Industries, and she combines her acting career with her job in the Communication department in Sala Beckett.

Photo credits: Kiku Piñol