Aldo D'Ibaños

Aldo D’Ibaños (Brazil 1979) is a Spanish/Brazilian actor based in Barcelona. A professional musician since the age of 17, he has toured and recorded with many local artists around his hometown in Porto Alegre. He began his acting career in Brazil, studying in the “Casa de Teatro” and participating in several independent productions along with a full-length film called “Trapaça”, which was nominated for Best Movie Picture in the independent section of the “Festival de Gramado” in 2020. In theatre, he is part of the company “Cllã” which has won several Açorianos awards in 2018 including Best Act of the Year. He is also a member of “Theatre4Schools”, a Spanish theatre company specializing in English spoken plays for children and teenagers. Among his latest performances are Moonlight Blues (Marc Egea) and “Las Tremendas Aventuras de La Capitana Gazpacho” (Gerardo Mancebo) directed by Hugo Guzmán.

He is a Plato de Cinema Acting School alumni (Barcelona) and regularly attends workshops with professionals like Mai Rojas (Los Escultores Del Aire) and Luci Lenox from Frank Stein Studio.